After the Storm.

After the Storm.
A Gentle Manifesto for a Neighbourhood in New Orleans
M. Gilbert/K. Faschingeder
Germ./Engl., 84 p.,numerous color images, 30 x 22,5 cm, paperback
ISBN 978-3-85160-156-5
€ 24,00 [A]
€ 23,30 [A]
Tulane/Gravier, a traditionally working-class, mixed-use area in New Orleans, was flooded but not catastrophically damaged by Katrina, it has become a political shuttlecock in the post-hurricane battles over the city's future. Large portions of it are threatened with demolition in order to make room for the expansion of well-endowed institutions.
A group of young designers under the aegis of Austro-American architect Mark Gilbert use this book to propose an integrated set of architectural interventions that could both preserve the neighborhood as well as to secure its economic future. Developed out of careful social, historical and spatial analyses of the district, After the Storm illustrates how this part of New Orleans can be revived without destroying its living urban fabric.