Houseguests / China Cupboard

Houseguests / China Cupboard
Michael Huey
With contributions by Philipp Bloom, Jennie Hirsch and Michael Huey
English, 58 p., numerous illustrations in colour, 28x20,5 cm, Softcover
ISBN 978-3-85160-191-6
€ 18,00 [A]
€ 17,50 [D]
The book documents two solo exhibitions by the American artist Michael Huey, where he continues (like in the previous artist books Betsy and I Killed the Bear and ASH, inc.) to explore the themes of heritage and loss, of archives, image recall, and re-staging. For his solo exhibition Houseguests (2010) Huey produced a series of photographs based on photographs of rococo-styled furniture found in American houses. Orientation on traditions and the situating into found narratives is again the focus in the second series of works represented in this book. The spectral-coloured negatives of hutches (China Cupboards) from private homes, exceed the purely documentary act and pose questions of personal representation between coded memory and historical images.