Kritische Komplizenschaft

Kritische Komplizenschaft
Critical Complicity
L. Mazza/J. Moritz
German/English, 162 pages, 12x20 cm, numerous illustrations in colour, Paperback
ISBN 978-3-85160-186-2
€ 18,00 [A]
€ 17,50 [D]
Complicity is a micro-collaborative alliance at the borders of established organizational systems. In a diversity of subversive possibilities, their critical potential unfolds. Three aspects of alternative, critical thinking become clear: the interfaces of macro- and micro-collectives, the dependencies and interrelations of (critical) art and the economy, and the field of tension between “legal” and “illegal.” The book is a handy, very carefully designed reader that combines theoretical and artistic positions.
Projects and texts by Alterazioni Video, Sabine Bitter & Helmut Weber, Dexter Sinister, Hans Haacke, Laura Horelli & Gerhard Friedl, Learning Site & Jaime Stapleton, Lisa Mazza, Julia Moritz, Felipe Mujica (mit Juan Céspedes, Cristóbal Lehyt, José Luis Villablanca, Johanna Unzueta), Olaf Nicolai, Ahmet Ögüt, Tanja Ostojic, Anna Scalfi, Barbara Steiner, The Bruce High Quality Foundation, Gesa Ziemer.
With a reprint of a conversation with Sherrie Levine, Peter Halley, Jeff Koons, Haim Steinbach, Ashley Bickerton and Philip Taaffe (extract).