Lumen Zine Heft 10: Hiroshi Takizawa

Lumen Zine Heft 10: Hiroshi Takizawa
Magazin der Sternenpassage / MQ Wien
edited by Sabine Jelinek
Texts by Patricia Grzonka, Christian Köberl / Graphic design: Stefan Biedermann
German / English, 24 pages, 13 × 18 cm, numerous color illustrations, stapled
November 2023
ISBN 978-3-903447-05-9
€ 8,00 [A]
€ 7,80 [D]
Hiroshi Takizawa’s photographs are the result of a complex process in which the relationship between object, material, image, and their spatial qualities are probed. His series Fingerprinted Objects shows items made from clay that stand out sharply against a dark background yet have an indefinable presence themselves—an amorphous lump without recognizable objecthood steeped in colorful light whose source is equally undetectable. In photographing the images over and over, their vexing, shimmering coloration emerges as a self-generating process. […] Ultimately, this project is about the perceptual parameters of the human visual apparatus and the extent of our sensory abilities. Can we feel a photograph? Patricia Grzonka
In its capacity as a micromuseum, MuseumQuartier Vienna’s Sternenpassage highlights artists whose work broadly relates to photography. Each resulting series is presented across five illuminated circular display cases mounted on the walls. Lumen Zine is a miniature catalogue supplementing exhibitions at Sternenpassage.