Lumen Zine Volume 2: Tillman Kaiser

Lumen Zine Volume 2: Tillman Kaiser
Magazin der Sternenpassage / MQ Wien
Edited by Sabine Jelinek, Vitus Weh
texts by Vitus Weh, Christian Köberl
German / English, 16 pages, 13 × 18 cm, numerous color illustrations, staple binding
April 2019
ISBN 978-3-903172-35-7
€ 8,00 [A]
€ 7,80 [D]
Tillman Kaiser’s images are from a future promised but never come true. Most of them are rendered as overpainted photograms (egg tempera and silver gelatin); black and white are the dominant hues. The most frequent subjects are crystals, shattered glass, brushwork, and cubist spiders. These are surrealist artworks on the precipice between photography and painting, between factual index and expressive trace—all while the former pride of photography, its “realism,” is taken down a peg or two. The tangible world of objects is drowned in the glow of the Northern Lights. Enter the Queen of the Night! (Vitus Weh)
A micro-museum of light phenomena, MuseumQuartier Vienna’s Sternenpassage (Star Passage) presents artists with projects on the subject of “Enlightenment” (in the extended and metaphorical sense)—artists ho work with lighting and light phenomena. Each series of images created for the Sternenpassage iscombined with a telescopic photograph of space and are displayed in illuminated glass cases. Three editions of LUMEN ZINE per year accompany the exhibitions in the Sternenpassage Mikromuseum für Lichterscheinungen / MQ Wien.