Quite Normal Luxury

Quite Normal Luxury
S. Heger/P. Dejanoff
Ed. Peter Noever /MAK Wien. Texts by Yukie Kamiya, Peter Noever und Christiane Zentgraf
56 pages, numerous colour illustrations, German / English, 230 x 290 mm, Paperback
ISBN 3-85160-030-4
€ 19,50 [A]
€ 19,00 [D]
The documentation of a scandalous approximation of art to industry, executed by Heger / Dejanoff with their year-long exchange of a modest "dream car" in exchange for the most pricey art exhibition spaces that an international automobile corporation is permitted to use for its own purposes. Their unwillingness to compromise - a position with which the two artists embarked upon their symbiotic complicity - has evoked debates on commercialization, sponsoring and the notion of corruption. The artists' book presented here also blurs the boundaries drawn around the value system of art.