Realities of Life and Worlds of Things

Realities of Life and Worlds of Things
Hubert Lobnig
Texts by David Komary, Florian Steininger, Annette Südbeck
German/Englisch, 144 S., 21 x 28 cm, Broschur, illustrations in b/w and colour
ISBN 9783902833402
€ 24,00 [A]
€ 23,30 [D]
The tempera paintings of Austrian artist Hubert Lobnig open up insights on furnished interiors that seem to be transient and ephemeral. The spectator of these washed-out colours and faintly contoured objects does not have the impression of dealing with an outer reality. The images are taken from inner worlds of memory, deeply and vaguely sunken into our minds as a far away echo of an always identical everyday life, a chaotic domesticity or the craft of artists and musicians. In his videos Lobnig leaves the direction to the inhabitants of the living spaces and houses. They are escapists, alternatives or remains of a bygone protest movement and have settled themselves in their temporary but self-conceptualized idea of living and interior design. A reflection of faded dreams – with gentle insistence Lobnig leaves their utopian potential to uncertainty.