Son of the Velvet Rat. Songs #2

Son of the Velvet Rat. Songs #2
Georg Altziebler / Gilbert Bretterbauer
English, 84 p., numerous color images, 11x16cm, hardcover
ISBN 978-3-902833-96-9
€ 15,00 [A]
€ 14,60 [D]
For the second time, Georg Altziebler, the head and heart of the band Son of the Velvet Rat, teams up with artist Gilbert Bretterbauer to create a veritable collage of song lyrics and photoworks. Aptly titled Songs #2, this book follows in the footsteps of its predecessor to give Altziebler's somber reflections on love and loneliness a visual thread, expressed also in the meticulous graphic design of Christian Schienerl and Bretterbauer's photos of wildlife and decay inscribed with short phrases. Rusty and dark like a beat-up Cadillac on an American highway, the images this book conveys combine the political with the personal and metaphysical and give readers a glimpse inside the mind of one of Austria's most successful songwriters.