Selected works 2003-2011

Selected works 2003-2011
Marlene Hausegger
With contributions by Anne Katrin Feßler, Nina Kirsch, Andreas Krištof, Edi Muka and Ursula Maria Probst
English, 112 p., illustrations in colour, 15,5x21 cm, Softcover
ISBN 978-3-85160-197-8
€ 18,00 [A]
€ 17,50 [D]
Marlene Hausegger’s interventions in public space use wit and humor to turn over sense and the commercialized seriousness of the city and its institutions. By combining a street art tempo with systems critique, ephemeral forms and figures emerge, which seem to always be a step ahead of their perception. Should the observer go back to their starting points, they’ve already disappeared.
An extraordinarily beautiful artist book!